Thursday, 14 April 2011


The exhibition is a quite a big undertaking. So much has to be organised and so many tasks allocated. To ensure the graphics team worked closely together, this blog was created and the 'Assigning Roles' post (posted 1st March) lists who is reponsible for what and is updated with progress in red. The graphics team also kept in close contact with the exhibition and website team so that any potential delays could be minimised. To give the other teams access to fonts and the palette, a copy of our powerpoint presentation was sent to the teams leaders electronically.

Directions sign

I had to make a sign with an arrow that will point out the route to the exibition once in the university.
This is the final poster, with the forward pointing arrow. I will also make versions with arrows pointing right and left.

T-shirt designs

One of my jobs for the graphics team was to design some t-shirts for the 'exibitionees' to wear. I decided to go for something a bit unusual, still portraying the London underground, but not just the bog standard logo. I found a nice image of an underground station and turn it black & white. Then using inspiration from the V&A museum, I covered all the commuters faces with coloured circles. The logo on the train remained in colour as well. I think this made quite a striking image.

The decision was made a little later to buy stripy t-shirts for the exibit instead, so this design was not needed.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Flyers Printed

The A5 flyers were dropped off to me last night, they look decent. I will bring them into uni next week.

Thursday, 31 March 2011


We are looking to put posters up of the underground in showing the history. The reason for this was 1 to show the history of the underground and the 2 was to cover up the frames that would be in the space that we would be using to tie these frames in to the rest of the exhibition


The invitations were created to look like a London underground train ticket as this is the theme of the exhibition. I decided to get an existing train ticket and by using Photoshop change the font to say what we needed it to say. These will be printed out the same size as a train ticket.

London Underground map

The box was made by me, Paul and Daryl and painted white. Me and Paul then took the top to get the lid to be printed on and this is the final outcome.

We also came up with an idea of having the map have another purpose like making it in to an interactive game but wanted to ask the rest of the group to see what they thought of it.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Individual Board Redesign......

I asked the tutor if she felt the layout worked and she made some suggestions that could improve how the overall layout gelled. She felt the images looked like they'd been superimposed and maybe could benefit from picking up the round theme of the maps interchange stations.

At the top of the image here you can see how I've managed to get one of the students images into a circular form and also surrounded it with a black circle which takes it's cues from the interchange stations.

At the bottom, another suggestion was surrounding the image with the 'tube line' so I've tried that out.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Finalising the main backgrounds.....

I created an A0 size image in Photoshop. The settings were:
Width: 830
Height: 1154
300 pixels per inch
RGB colour
8 bit
Text size: 15pt
Line width: 4cm Here's how AJ's final image could look....
To test if the text was a suitable size Richard and I printed out the image at A0 spread over 16 A4 sheets

Friday, 25 March 2011

Tasks to be completed by Monday 28th March

After a chat with Mariana this morning it was decided that the following tasks need to be completed by monday ;

Send Flyers to the printers

Send Posters to the printers

Send invitations via email.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Creating the Map Box......

Daryl created a nice layout for the exhibition which featured a central map 'box' which was all white with the underground map printed on it.
Richard, Daryl and Paul went along to B&Q and had some MDF cut to size. We decided on an A0 size top, bottom, front and back.

The box was then assembled in the workshop using baton and wood screws.

On the 23rd March Paul and Richard took the freshly painted box top along to Fastsigns to have the map directly printed onto it. This should take a couple of days to complete.

Map design....

Paul modified the design to incorperate the groups names. This became a long process as to ensure the text hight and style was spot on each letter was copied and pasted from the existing station names......

To keep the theme going, main line, cross and boat logo's were also added.

Background designs.....

After another discussion about the background designs, we decided to try showing different colour tube lines on the same background one of which could then lead into the next causing a 'flow'
Here's a mock up of what it could look like....

More teasing.....

I created a sheet of images complete with cutting marks in Photoshop then Richard and I got hold of some A4 sticker sheets from Staples. The Printed Media Department then printed the stickers for us in 2 different sizes. We then cut them up on the guillotine and began to distribute them.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Free Printing of 100 x A5 Flyers

I contacted a company this morning asking for a quote to print 100 x A5 flyers, i explained that they are being used for a university exhibition and that our budget is minimal. They have just replied to me stating that they will print the flyers FREE OF CHARGE, i'll just have to supply the art work and pick them up.

Exhibition Entry

After a chat with Paul we decided that we need to plan which way we want people to enter the exhibition. Here is the planned route from the main entrance, the path would be aided with signage.

Monday, 14 March 2011

A5 Flyer

Here is my initial design for the A5 flyer -

After the theme for the main display boards was altered I changed the design of the flyer to suit so all the graphics for the exhibition harmonise. This still needs a little work.

I will talk to the group on friday about quanities for printing, after looking at a few online services the price will be aorund £8/10 per 100.

Teaser campaign.....

In the lead up of the exhibition, the graphics team will be distributing and posting flyer's to raise awareness of the forthcoming exhibition.
In advance of that, I've designed some stickers that we'll distribute. These are deliberately vague and will act as a teaser campaign to generate interest subliminally.
I'm expecting people to see them and think to themselves what does that mean?' what's it for?' why is it similar to the london underground logo?

Here's the proposed sticker design.....


I visited Digital Copying Services to obtain a quote for having the stickers printed but unfortunately they couldn't do them. I'm goint to try and buy some sheets of stickers from Staples and give that a go.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

More prices

Paul has obtained some more prices for banners and posters. This time from Staples. One pop up banner is particularly appealing as it's only £99. Ultimately, the expenditure will be a total group decision as it affects us all.

The Exhibition group have been tasked with supplying coloured Gaffa Tape as we need to have the tape in front of us to colour match the 'tube line' graphics on the poster backgrounds.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Leasing With The Other Groups....

Paul has been assigned as the Graphics Team Lead and has already provided a copy of the Underground themed Powerpoint presentation to the Exhibition and Web teams. This contains much of the themes research and captures the feelings it conveys.

Assigning Roles.....

Cost and create a design for A5 size glossy flyers. (Sean)
Update: Designed and printed, all good.

Create Photoshop images of tickets for the exhibition themed on rail/underground tickets (Rich)
Update: Rich has now finished the tickets and test prints will be carried out

Obtain images and create posters that will help recreate the feeling of the underground and also show it's history. (Rich)

Exhibit Surround
Create a suitable surround in Photoshop which will be A0 in size and contain the 3 A3 images of the individuals work (Paul)
Update: Paul has created some examples of surrounds, the whole group will have a choice in the final selection as it affects us all

Research and obtain suitable fonts for use on posters etc based on the London Underground texts (Sean)
Update: Sean has found a very similar font that should suit us and is universally available

Create poster of the Underground Map with stations changed to show our pathway and modules. The names can also be allocated to the coloured key. (Austin)
Updated: Map image photoshopped and applied to printed directly to box top. Looks great.

Cost and design a T-shirt to be worn by the exhibitors. (Austin)
Update: Austin has come up with a really good idea for an image, to paste the tube logo onto peoples faces who are sitting in a train carriage.

Create additional signage to theme the exhibition such as Exit, Mind The Gap etc (Paul)
Update: Cost is an issue at the moment for additional signage but the Underground sign to go on the post has been completed.


Welcome to the group blog of the Graphics Team for the web Gallery and Exhibition module at ARU 2011.

The group comprising Richard Olden, Paul Frost, Sean Mills and Austin Betts will be using this blog to document the groups progress and also use it as a central point for listing the workload and assigning tasks.

The theme has been chosen now by the entire group and this will be 'The Underground'